Friday, February 21, 2014

"Rosa di Parma" Pork Tenderloin

An adaptation to the classic "Rosa di Parma" made with pork tenderloin stuffed with shaved Parmigiano Reggiano and Prosciutto. In my case I do not wrap the outside too with Prosciutto, but only use it inside, and I prefer to rub the meat with a classic garlic-rosemary-sage mixture. Very tasty and ready in no time!

Open your pork tenderloin cutting it in a spiral and layer shaved Parmigiano and Prosciutto on one side

Roll and tie to keep the shape while cooking

Nothing screams "Italian Roast Meat" like the combination of garlic, rosemary and sage!

Rub the outside of your roast with olive oil and the herb mixture

Brown the outside in a skillet that can then go in the oven, to reach an internal temperature of 145F (don't evercook your pork!) and let rest for about 5 minutes before slicing

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