Thursday, July 3, 2008

Teach Your Children Well

It's never too soon. It can'hurt as long as you keep a close eye on them. It has a whole lot of pros and very little cons, if you ask me.

Cooking with your children, that is. Having them around while you prepare their meals. Letting them ... ehm ... help you. It's educational and fun.

I don't know about you, but I want my son to know about ingredients and how what he's eating became what it is.

He can barely count to ten, as of today, but he knows rosemary from basil, he knows the main ingredients of pizza and what a hamburger is made of (that's the beauty of dual citizenship, there).

It's big motivation to eat their food when it's time to sit and have their meal. I was blessed with a good eater (with the parents he has, I would have been surprised if we wasn't) but I must say that it's harder to be picky about what's in their plate when they helped fixing it.

In the picture Nicholas is helping making brownies. Not that he needed motivation to eat those. In fact, right when I was ready to put the pan in the oven he told me: "no need, mamma: I like them cold"


chiara said...

Eccolo qui, l'uomo in miniatura che ha capito tutto della vita!!
Come si dice per ogni riccio un capriccio? ;)

ti ho likata, se preferisi di no non hai che da dirlo


Unknown said...

preeferisco...di si! Grazie mille chiare', e scusa per la brusca uscita dalla chat di prima! baci

Anonymous said...

miiiii, che faccina!! una vera italian birba! :) baci

Anonymous said...

Clap clap clap!

We're looking forward to meeting him and have a cooking (jam?)session all together. Bianca is waiting, you know.


Anonymous said...

E linkata pure da me!
