Thursday, December 12, 2013

Gnocchi di Patate al Ragu' (Potato Gnocchi with Ragu')

This dish truly was a staple in my family's Sunday reunions!
My Godmother Vanda used to make tons of gnocchi, weekly. She would freeze them and deliver them to her large extended family, which luckily enough, included ours! From what I hear, even if she's in her eighties now, she still does that! I miss her so much, she is such a character!

To start, potatoes need to be boiled whole and with their skin on. You'll know they're ready when you can easily poke them with a fork.

Peel your potatoes right after draining them, while still very hot. You get rid of more moisture, that way.

Mash your potatoes right away, seasoned with a pinch of salt, on a flat surface.

Add enough flour to be able to roll the dough into thin logs and cut them in small pieces, about an inch or so (it's not like mine are EVER all the same length...;-)   ). My family does not add any egg to the potato dough. You get a much lighter "gnocco" this way, but it's important to work the dough right away, while still warm.

This cute wooden tool came from Italy with me when I moved here, but a fork will still do a great job, to quickly roll the pieces of dough onto, and give your gnocchi the classic shape
There! I finished! Boil your gnocchi in salted water and "fish" them out with a slotted spoon as soon as they come to the surface, draining the excess water. Serve them immediately with your ragu' or your favorite sauce.
Buon Appetito!

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