Thursday, September 25, 2008

Out Of Order

Sorry, my friends, but it looks like our home computer decided to leave us, at least for a while and I won't therefore be able to update my blog until it comes home.
We took it to the "doctor" and it seems like that's where it's going to be for a while.
I'm still cooking though. Will tell you all about it as soon as "we" are in a better shape.
For my "so-called-students": please contact me by phone for booking your lessons, as I can only seldom check my email. Thank you.
Ciao ciao,

1 comment:

Esmé said...

Comunicazione di servizio: guarda che da me c'è un nuovo giochino per Nicholas: il gattino ha bisogno di pappa e di giocare con la pallina!
Glielo affido, mi raccomando.