Sunday, August 17, 2008

Cheese, fruits & C.

I have never been particularly fond of mixing the sweet taste with other tastes like sour or salted. With one exception and that is when cheese is involved.
I love cheese with fresh fruits, honey or homemade preserves. Here are a few ideas from my experiments:

pears with taleggio cheese and walnuts
semi-hard tuscan pecorino cheese with an orange, onion and vinegar preserve (it's a friend's recipe, especially made to go with cheese)

sweet emmenthal with apricots or grapes or cherry tomatoes (I know that's not fruit, but maybe the "cherry" in the name counts?). Plus, the plate needed a touch of color ;-)

apricots with cream cheese and honey
kiwi with robiola cheese and pink pepper

Cute and tasty, aren't they?


Esmé said...

Yumm! Ti seguo su tutta la linea, in fatto di dolce-salato.
Che bei piattini!

Anonymous said...

Vecia...vedo dalla mail inviata che hai aperto un english (molto meglio)!!!!
Sei preferitata!;)))

Intanto un bacione stella!


Unknown said...

@Terry: grazie per la visita, amor! Stay in touch!