Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Her Majesty La Pasta: THANK YOU!

Yes, thank you my friends for another great evening in my kitchen. There were a lot of you guys there last night and we had a lot of fun as usual, at least judging from the fact that when I had a look at the clock I saw that we spent 4 hours together and it seemed like it was a much shorter time!
Anyway, this is what we did yesterday and for those who weren't there...YEAH, be jealous: you missed out! ;-)

Her Majesty

Tuesday July 21, 2009


• Penne Pomodoro Fresco e Basilico (Penne with Fresh Tomato and Basil)

• Ruote con Zucchine, Limone e Menta (Wheels with Zucchini, Lemon and Mint)

• Tagliatelle con Salsa di Noci (homemade Tagliatelle with Walnut Sauce)

• Fusilli al Pesto

• Linguine Mari e Monti (“Seas and Mountains” Linguine)

• Spaghetti alla Carbonara


Anonymous said...

... e qualche fotina no?

Unknown said...

Sai, il problema con le lezione e' che le fotine o le fa qualcun altro o io proprio non ci penso... Comunque anche questa e' andata bene, Mari', e ho gia' il bis prenotato da chi non ce l'ha fatta a venire :-) So' soddisfazzzzzioni ;-)

Unknown said...

Dimenticavo, Mari': gli ho spiegato che i fusilli erano una licenza poetica ;-)